Rivercity Players is excited to introduce the Dark Night Players, who will be part of Short and Sweet! An Evening of One Acts.
Dark Night Players will showcase their skills in a few comedic sketches at the end of the evening of short plays.
The group has been pulled together by Dee and Dick Poulton, who are new to Campbell River, but not new to theatre. Since moving here, Dee directed the Farndale Christmas Carol, and Dick acted in Jonas and Barry in the Home. Both have also helped out in a variety of other production jobs at Rivercity Players.
Their interest in sketch comedy started with a group of friends with whom they performed Monty Python sketches and pub nights in Abbotsford. When they saw how much the audiences enjoyed sketch comedy, they worked towards having their own theatre group, eventually known as Take Two.
Once they arrived in Campbell River and saw the Rivercity Stage, they knew it would be the perfect venue for another sketch group and so approached the Rivercity Players board, and offered to form a group that would remain part of Rivercity Players, while focusing on sketch comedy. And so, Dark Night Players was formed.

Dick explains where the name came from. “When we were pitching the idea to the Board, we explained that we were willing to use the dark nights in the theatre, when no one else was there, and so we became the Dark Night Players”.
“This is a floating group,” Dee explained, “the participants don’t have to commit to any length of time.”
And what can audiences expect? “The unexpected,” said Dee.
The Dark Night Players will join three one acts for a night of mystery, comedy, romance and sci fi.

Short and Sweet! will run at the Rivercity Stage on September 28, 29,30 and October 5, 6, 7 at 7:30 pm as well as two matinee performances October 1 and 7 at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are $25.00 and can be purchased at rivercitytickets.ca Language warning.
A special thank you to Campbell River Mirror for including this story in their September 20th issue.