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Rivercity Players

Our mission: enriching the creative culture of the community  through the performing arts.

Rivercity Players is excited to introduce the Dark Night Players, who will be part of Short and Sweet! An Evening of One Acts.

Dark Night Players will showcase their skills in a few comedic sketches at the end of the evening of short plays.

The group has been pulled together by Dee and Dick Poulton, who are new to Campbell River, but not new to theatre. Since moving here, Dee directed the Farndale Christmas Carol, and Dick acted in Jonas and Barry in the Home. Both have also helped out in a variety of other production jobs at Rivercity Players.

Their interest in sketch comedy started with a group of friends with whom they performed Monty Python sketches and pub nights in Abbotsford. When they saw how much the audiences enjoyed sketch comedy, they worked towards having their own theatre group, eventually known as Take Two.

Once they arrived in Campbell River and saw the Rivercity Stage, they knew it would be the perfect venue for another sketch group and so approached the Rivercity Players board, and offered to form a group that would remain part of Rivercity Players, while focusing on sketch comedy. And so, Dark Night Players was formed.

Kelli Colley, Dick Poulton, Pauline Harskamp, Kelly Senko and Barb Baldwin form part of Rivercity Player's sketch troupe Dark Night Players.

Dick explains where the name came from. “When we were pitching the idea to the Board, we explained that we were willing to use the dark nights in the theatre, when no one else was there, and so we became the Dark Night Players”.

“This is a floating group,” Dee explained, “the participants don’t have to commit to any length of time.”

And what can audiences expect? “The unexpected,” said Dee.

The Dark Night Players will join three one acts for a night of mystery, comedy, romance and sci fi.

Barb Baldwin and Kelly Senko rehearse for their upcoming performance with Dark Night Players.

Short and Sweet! will run at the Rivercity Stage on September 28, 29,30 and October 5, 6, 7 at 7:30 pm as well as two matinee performances October 1 and 7 at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are $25.00 and can be purchased at Language warning.

A special thank you to Campbell River Mirror for including this story in their September 20th issue.

Annual evening of one act plays, this year featuring three short plays, and something new

Mystery, comedy, romance, sci fi, farce – definitely something for everyone at Short and Sweet!

Two characters, played by Dick Poulton (left) and Gerry Pittman, contemplate life on various planets during Life on Mars, one of Rivercity Players’ one-act plays that make up Short And Sweet, An Evening of One Acts opening Sept. 28. Photo by Alistair Taylor

Rivercity Players will present it’s annual evening of one act plays, this year featuring three short plays, and something new.

Up first is Road Toll by Sarah Tighe. This Australian drama tells the story of an elderly woman who is visited by two police officers with the unfortunate news that her son has passed away in a car accident. However, all is not as it seems! Road Toll is directed by Barb Baldwin.

Next is Tooth or Dare by Canadian playwright, Rose Scollard. In this charming comedy, two seniors meet up in a sushi rolling class, and we see their relationship develop as they take turns sharing their story. Alistair Taylor directs this play.

Life on Mars is also written by a Canadian – Elliott Hayes. This play, directed by Patrick Baird, gives us a glimpse into the life of two short order cooks, as they contemplate the universe from behind the restaurant where they work.

Short and Sweet! will also introduce Campbell River to Rivercity Players’ new sketch comedy group – Dark Night Players. Directed by Dee Poulton, the Players will close the evening with laughter as they perform several short sketches.

“The main motivator when we started having our one acts was to provide an opportunity for people to try something new,” explains Lynne Macara, who is producing. “It’s a good way to try something you haven’t done before, on a smaller project, to get your feet wet.” Baldwin and Baird, while not new to Rivercity Players, are trying their hand at directing in this production.

Short and Sweet! will run at the Rivercity Stage on Sept. 28, 29, 30, 5, 6, 7 at 7:30 p.m. and Oct. 1 and 7 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased at

Language warning

Updated: Sep 3, 2023

We are very excited to be hosting two evenings of The Rocky Horror Picture Show this fall at Rivercity Stage, Friday October 27 and Saturday October 28. This is a fundraising event for Rivercity Players and the Campbell River Art Gallery, and our goal is to purchase a commercial popcorn machine for our concession. The remaining proceeds will be used to support programming at the theatre and at the gallery this season.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show is renowned for its audience participation roles at different times and scenes during the film. Rivercity Stage-appropriate props are included with every ticket! To encourage the safety and enjoyment of the film by all in attendance, any bags brought to the theater could be subjected to a search for inappropriate/non-allowable items.

What is Allowed & What’s in the kit!

The kits include:

Balloon, Glow Stick, Rubber Glove, Noisemaker, Confetti Popper, Party Hat, Cards, Bag, and Newspaper.

So now we know what the kit will include, we’re new to this thing. How do we use them, which ones that aren’t in the kit are also allowed OR are not allowed, and at what point in the movie do we use them?

This movie is all about participation but we also want to make sure the theater isn’t damaged, wrecked, or burned down (under NO circumstances should an open flame ever be used within Rivercity Stage). People are absolutely encouraged to dress up and have fun, but there are just a few things we cannot and will not allow and they are listed below along with the items included in the kit, as well as when to use them.

Another thing we ask is to please not throw things at the screen, damage to the screen would be costly to repair and a drain on our limited resources as a non-profit organization. Besides, throwing things at the screen is pretty much just not cool.

Here’s your play-by-play of when to use your props, as well as the things that just can’t be allowed. Here we go:


In the kit? Yes (1 qty)

Is it allowed? Yes

When to use: During the song Science Fiction Double Feature, the move When Worlds Collide is mentioned – pop the balloon at this time.


In the kit? No

Is it allowed? No – Not included in the kit and not allowed. Sorry rice can get slippery, it’s messy, and we don’t want rodents. There’s a reason people don’t throw rice at weddings anymore.

When this normally happens: At the beginning of the film when the wedding guests exit the church.

Large “J”-“A”-“N”-“E”-“T” cards

In the kit? Nope

Is it allowed? Yes, we just didn’t include it since it takes some decent coordination between people to pull off. You’re welcome to do it if you feel like your four friends can spell.

When to use: During the song “Dammit Janet” when Brad says Janet’s name, and when spells out Janet’s name, each card is held up as he spells it. Some people also write “Oh” “B”-“R”-“A”-“D” on the back of them and use them then.

Water Guns

In the kit? No

Is it allowed? No, sorry we’re not a friend of wet floors, seats, etc..

When this normally happens: During the song There’s a Light (Over at the Frankenstein Place), while they are walking through the rain

Glow Stick / flashlight

In the kit? Yes (1 qty)

Is it allowed? Yes (NO Lighters, matches, flammables due to fire code restrictions). Get creative and download a concert lighter app on your phone. Those are much less flammable!

When to use: During the song There’s a Light (Over at the Frankenstein Place), while the “There’s a Light” chorus is playing. Do this during the chorus and when they say “in the darkness” lower it.

How to Time Warp Flier

In the kit? No (But don’t worry – if you don’t know the moves, our usherettes will be there to guide you through!)

Is it allowed? Of course! Yes, but keep out of the aisles for everyone’s safety and for people trying to get through.

When to use: During the Time Warp – get up and dance!

Rubber Glove

In the kit? Yes (1 qty)

Is it allowed? Yes

When to use: During Frank’s speech at the tank when he puts on the gloves, stretches and snaps them. He does this three times and try to snap them at the same time!


In the kit? Yes (1 qty)

Is it allowed? Yes

When to use: During the “Lab” scene, when the Transylvanian Guests use their noisemakers at the end of the creation speech.


In the kit? Yes (1 confetti streamer popper)

Is it allowed? Yes

When to use: At the end of the “Lab” scene when the wedding march is being played when they head to the bedroom.

Toilet Paper

In the kit? No.

Is it allowed? Yes, we just didn’t include it.

When to use: When Dr. Scott makes his entrance and Brad exclaims “Great Scott!”. Get it? Like Scotts toilet paper? Yeah, that’s why people do it. Wait to toss it when Dr. Scott crashes through the wall. By the time Dr. Scott hits the Transducer wall and Frank has his leg on the chair it’s time to stop tossing.

Party Hat

In the kit? Yes (1 qty)

Is it allowed? Yes

When to use: During dinner, Frank will put on his party hat, and you should too. It’s a party after all and you should be dressed appropriately 😉


In the kit? No

Is it allowed? : No. Sorry it’s a pun and we love a good pun but we don’t throw food around here. We’d rather not have crumbs everywhere either (did we mention we don't want to attract rodents?)

When this normally happens: During dinner after Frank is done carving, he will lift his class and proclaim “a toast”.


In the kit? Yes

Is it allowed? : Yes

When to use: When Frank pulls the table cloth off the dinner table.


In the kit? No

Is it allowed? Yes, if you didn’t bring a bell you can use your keys also. However, it doesn’t look as cool.

When to use: When Frank is chasing Janet after dinner and asks the musical question “did you hear a bell ring?” during the song “Planet Schmanet”


In the kit? No.

Is it allowed? Yes, we just didn’t include it in the kit.

When to use: When Columbia is doing her “bitch out” speech and says to Frank, “you’re like a sponge!”


In the kit? Yes (8-12 qty)

Is it allowed? Yes

When to use: After floor show, when Frank is doing his solo number and sits down and sings the line “cards for sorrow, cards for pain”. Make it rain!


In the kit? No

Is it allowed? Yes, we just didn’t include it in the kit.

When to use: When the rope falls from the rigging after Riff finishes shooting.

Hot Dog and Prunes

Is it allowed? No. Just no. Please, please, please DON’T.

People sometimes throw these anytime they’re mentioned. It’s messy, stains things, and nobody wants to get hit with a prune or a hot dog for that matter.

We are trembling with antici ......................pation for you to join us for this first at Rivercity Players, tickets are available at

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