Rivercity Players is holding auditions for its next production, coming to the stage January to February 2023.
The play planned is a feel-good comedy, with a touch of romance, from the most produced playwright in Canada.
An open audition will be held on Monday, November 28th at 6:30 pm, with callbacks being held on November 29th at 6:30 pm, both at the Rivercity Stage at 1080 Hemlock St, Campbell River.
The cast involves one woman, aged in her mid to late thirties, 3 women aged 50 to 60 years old, and one man aged early forties. Performance dates are planned for January 23 to February 4, 2023.
If your interests are more in-line with helping out backstage, Rivercity Players is also looking for production volunteers for this play. We are always happy to train and mentor new people wanting to help out behind the scenes!
For more information, email director Susan Wydenes at info@rivercityplayers.ca